Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Derek
QUESTION: I'm thinking of buying my first Cheness but am torn between the O katana and the Kaze. I'm not that tall (6'1) but feel like my Musashi's are too small. Love the website and your honesty and integrity are refreshing. All the best to you and your family.
ANSWER: Hi Derek,
At 6'1", you'd have no trouble with the O-Katana. The Kaze is about the same length as the Musashi's, and if they feel too small - they probably are (the standard length of a Katana is about 28", which is ideally suited to someone of medieval Japanese stature - around 5'5" to 5'8". While taller people can certainly use them, they were made with a smaller person in mind).
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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