Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
In many ways, the official pirates of the Caribbean swords were a big disappointment.
Before they were released, there were rumblings that the final product was to be a functional replica, but instead it turned out there was a change of heart at the last minute - and it ended up like so many other movie swords..
Nothing more than a decorative wallhanger - and at around $279 an expensive one at that (though I'll admit, it did come with a decent display case)...
I suppose for their intended purpose as movie collectibles, the limited edition Pirates of the Caribbean Swords, of which supposedly 3,000 were made, but I don't think they hit the target, did kind of fit the part and it does look quite similar to the one wielded by Jack Sparrow sword in the movie.
However, I am of the firm opinion that a non functional display sword is a bit hokey. After all, with no substance to it, you might as well save yourself $220 and pick up one of the much cheaper Jack Sparrow Swords like this one, which is - at least as functionality goes - is no different than the official version (and unlike the official version, which seemed to become discontinued not so long after the movie came out, is still doing the rounds).
Sorry guys, but while the movie was a pretty good swashbuckling adventure, the replica Jack Sparrow swords are less functional than a mop you might have used to swab the decks with...
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