Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
This sword has been discontinued and is no longer in production or available, but is preserved on the site for informational purposes.
This review of the Bone Handled Swept Hilt Rapier may be brief, and it may not be one of those reviews that compares it to historical originals and argues about the finer points of its handling or construction.
But it is a fun, mostly visual look at what to expect from this particular piece - all done from an end users perspective. And while the amount of information is not huge, it is enough so that you can decide if it is something that you'd like to add to your personal collection or not...
Plus, you have to admit, regardless of how historically accurate it may be, it is certainly a very photogenic piece!
Review by Brian Stine, Greenfield USA
Steel |
Unspecified Carbon Steel |
I've wanted a Rapier for a long time. I have always thought of it as The "Gentleman's" sword!
It came to me packet in a Styrofoam container, that was boxed and packet with packing-paper.
The tip had a burr on it, so I used a sharpening stone on it and cleaned it up.
I think the bone handle is attractive, but because its so smooth I think if your hand was to become sweaty you may lose your grip.
The Blade is not sharpened, so no cutting. I thrust it into the box that it came in, and it went through it with no resistance.
The long blade was a little strange as I am accustomed to katana. When I went to test the handling I put a huge scratch in my wall not realizing how close I was standing to the wall. LOL.
Like almost all the Renaissance swords we are looking at, this blade has gone the way of the do-do..
However, bearing the good and bad points of this blade in mind, for anyone looking for something similar we strongly suggest you check out the range of Renaissance swords available HERE at Kult of Athena
I hope this review of the bone handled swept hilt rapier has been helpful. To return to Renaissance Swords from Bone Handled Swept Hilt Rapier Review, click here