Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Henry
The guide here shows some very good sites but Kult of Athena is the best. All the other sites are somewhat divided into a price category. True Swords, and Sword N Armory tend to sell mostly cheap stuff, while Arms of Valor and Museum Replicas only sell high quality stuff. Kult of Athena sells everything and the site is well organized and its easy to find a specific kind of blade. They sell low priced swords that are 20 dollars that are better than swords from True Swords that cost 100 dollars, I know because I've bought from both. Also Kult of Athena sells the best quality items. They have the best selection if Kit Rae and Albion. Albion is like the Navy SEALS of sword buying. KOA is the best hands down.