Thrusting swords
by Sylvain L.
Hello and congratulations for your great website. I have a question about all the thrusting swords, like the rapier, smallsword, fleuret, etc...
Have you the project to do articles about them in the future? Because I can see on the web a lot of rapiers and others thrusting swords, but a lot of them are not effective to practice a good fencing and doing good thrusting in the target. The blade of modern replicas is too soft (for safety reason). In the past, the rapiers having a more rigid blade for a good penetration (but more easily breakable).
I hopelessly search a good and effective rapier, with reasonable price in the web...
Thank you !
Sylvain L.
ANSWER: Hi Sylvain,
Absolutely! There is a page on rapiers and other Renaissance/Post Renaissance swords (side swords, etc) currently being drafted up with the assistance of one of the guys from my forum.
It should be starting to take shape live on SBG within the month, so stay tuned...! ;-)
- Paul