Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Aaron Waltz
I have to admit with my swords convex edge I struggle sharpening my katanas unless I remove the handle and do the entire blade and repolish it which sucks just to sharpen...
Most of the sharpeners I see are designed to put a nice secondary edge that definitely ruins the effective efficiant profile of the katana, anywho I've seen the Worksharp tool "Ken Onion" edition seems to be the one to get with its adjustability and versitility options seems the base model does not have the adjustability. I have read in some descriptions that the Ken Onion version will sand and polish on a convex style edge... And it has belts come in a huge array of grit belts all the way up to a fine leather stroping belt and also has a 3/4" belt vs. The base models 1/2" belt. So I would think if it will do convex and to super fine belt it would be awesome for people like myself.
Have you known anybody thats used one which from what I have read im not alone by any means sharpening katanas? The ken edition is not cheap and very pricy with the optional attachment's but if it works as advertized would be easily worth the investment, what is you're thoughts on it?
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